Final preparations for next Wednesday April 11: be part of the theatre and the noise

making white suits and missiles as part of the theatrical demonstration Wednesday April 11 at Okura Hotel during Airbus’ shareholders meeting.

We need your help to make it work:

It can be difficult for people to imagine what a company like Airbus does, so we are going to point it out in a loud and visual way. In order to do this we need everyone to contribute to the theme of the demo.

We need some people to be dressed up in formal clothing (suits and ties etc). This is if you have you own formal clothes as we are unable to obtain more than white T-shirts. These people will be selling the shares we have created and represent the bureaucratic/profit based side of Airbus;

Picture: making the banner

We need some people to be wearing white paper suits (which we can provide) that will hold onto the missiles. This will represent the technological side of the company;

At the end of the demo some people will be covered in white sheets on the ground to symbolize the people who have lost their lives due to this dirty business;

Last but not least, there will be sirens and noise to start with as well, so pots and pans en drums etcetera: bring them along!