Demonstratie 30.05.2021 – Sluit DCR: Geen Mens Is Illegaal! Lange oproep en meer informatie


Het geweld van Fort Europa

Sinds het begin van de coronacrisis zijn naar schatting 40,000 mensen de toegang ontzegd tot Europees grondgebied. Deze zogenaamde “push-backs” zijn een duidelijke schending van het recht op asiel voor migranten. De push-backs zijn het resultaat van een steeds harder en draconischer migratiebeleid van de EU en haar lidstaten. De verharding van de Europese grenzen heeft in het laatste jaar 2000 levens gekost, en geeft de Europese grenspolitie een vrijkaart om bruut geweld te gebruiken. Griekse kustwachten slepen migranten weer internationale of Turkse wateren in en laten hun daar achter, vorige maand dook een video op waarin mensen geboeid het water uit werden gevist na een push-back door de Griekse politie. In Kroatië worden migranten geslagen, uitgekleed en aangerand voordat ze weer de grens worden overgezet bij Bosnië en worden zo uit Europa geweerd.

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Video: demo at TU Delft – Join the protest at Airbus shareholders meeting on April 11 in Amsterdam

April 11, 1 PM: demonstration during shareholders meeting of Airbus at Okura Hotel Amsterdam!

Video: demonstration on February 20 at the TU Delft against the cooperation between universities and weapons companies. TU Delft has been cooperating with Thales and Airbus on research and development of advanced military technology, such as radar systems and composites for military aircraft. Both companies were taking part in the career fair in TU Delft.

Now Airbus is welcomed to hold their annual shareholders meeting in Okura Hotel Amsterdam on April 11. Join the protest! In the run up: put pressure on Hotel Okura to cancel reservation AIRBUS shareholders meeting

Afghaanse vluchtelingen vragen Leidse universiteit om promotiebijeenkomst wapenbedrijf Airbus te annuleren

Bron: Doorbraak

Vorige week riepen we op om protestbrieven te schrijven tegen de promotie van het wapenbedrijf Airbus op de faculteit Sociale Wetenschappen van de Leidse universiteit. Morgen maart komt Hannah de Vries daar in het kader van een “CareerCollege” een praatje houden over haar werk voor het wapenbedrijf.

Namens 24 lidorganisaties schreef de Federatie van Afghaanse Vluchtelingen Organisaties in Nederland (FAVON) deze open brief aan de faculteit.

Continue reading “Afghaanse vluchtelingen vragen Leidse universiteit om promotiebijeenkomst wapenbedrijf Airbus te annuleren”

Info talks about new campaign

The EU is waging a war against migration and the arms’ industry is profiting.

Infotalks: where and when

Migration is perceived as a security threat in which EU responds by militarizing border security, both at its borders but also intervening in third countries.

This include sending armed forces to the borders, erecting security fences (with all kinds of surveillance and detection technology), increasing use of autonomous systems (drones etc), use of military means by border police, (para)military Frontex operations in the Mediterranean, Operation Sophia before the coast of Libya, with support of NATO, and training and providing equipment to (para)military border guards in third countries.

The European military and security industry has been very influential in setting the discourse of a migration-security nexus and shaping the policies to their benefit.

Large arms and technology companies, in particular Airbus, Thales, Leonardo and Indra, as well as lobby organisations, such as the European Organisation for Security (EOS), are key players in this deadly ‘game’.
After influencing the market demand towards advanced borders’ security, these companies offer their products as a solution to stop migration flows, while previously have equipped the wars that created them in the first place.

Meanwhile, EU not only turns a blind eye to this process but also cooperates with, and thus legitimizes and strengthens, human-rights abusive regimes in third countries by combating migration.

Specifically speaking, in the last decade alone 80 billion euros of arms have been exported from EU countries to the Middle East and North Africa.
The Turkey deal led to the closure of the so-called Balkan route which forces refugees to go to Italy through Libya, resulting in more deaths in the Mediterranean.
At the same time EU feeds the rise of nationalism, racism, xenophobia and Islamophobia by depicting refugees as security threat.

During these info-talks we will delve into the parties who benefit from the further militarization of the EU borders, highlighting the necessity of a collective response. Together we aim to shape this response by shedding light to this inhumanity and forcing those responsible to pay for it.