Info talks in the run up to demo at Airbus’ shareholders meeting

To the action call out: April 11: Demonstration & Die-In against Airbus and the militarization of EU borders

Check dates and places of new information meetings HERE, also about the demonstration on April 11.

Migrants bear the brunt of the ongoing militarization of the European borders. While Fortress Europe heightens its walls, refugees drown in the Mediterranean, get stuck in dire circumstances or end up in detention and being deported. The military and security industry reaps the benefits of the racist border policies of the EU.

Large arms and technology companies, in particular Airbus, Thales, Leonardo and Indra, as well as lobby organisations, such as the European Organisation for Security (EOS), are key players in this deadly ‘game’. Airbus is the second largest European arms producer. They sell aircraft and missiles to countries at war, repressive regimes and human rights abusers. In this way they fuel the reasons that force people to flee their homes. Then, recognizing another ‘opportunity’ to make profit, they provide the EU with border security equipment to stop refugees and migrants. They are a key player in the successful industrial lobby for the militarization of Europe’s borders.

On April 11th Airbus will hold their Annual General Meeting for shareholders at the Hotel Okura in Amsterdam. They celebrate the rising profits of their deadly business but fail to mention the rising number of deaths in the Mediterranean, Middle-East and Africa where their products are being used. This year, in order to give them a taste of the consequences of their actions, we are organizing a theatrical demonstration and die-in against Airbus and the militarization of the EU borders during the shareholders meeting.

Come to these info-talks to hear more about Airbus, the action on April 11th, and the military and security industry making a killing at the EU borders.